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Embossed labels, custom-produced

Make your product labels stand out with embossing

We can make sure your product labels stand out by embossing areas to create depth, light and movement. Advances in embossing technology mean this technique can be used in myriad ways to lure the eye.

Premier Labels embossed labels metallic labels Cadello 88

Use embossed labels to add emphasis

To create embossed labels, we use die casts to raise parts of a design above the rest. The result makes lettering or imagery stand out, helping to catch the customer’s eye. Embossing can be used to add tactile appeal and highlight particular parts of a label.

You might use embossing to make your logo or brand name stand out on a label, or to give an entire label greater impact.

Advanced technology makes embossing more versatile

Traditional single-level embossing raises parts of a label to the same height, for example by embossing lettering. Technological advances have now made multi-level embossing possible: a label is embossed to different heights to help create texture and interest.

Dies are made from magnesium or copper for single-level embossing, or from brass for multi-level embossing and long single-level print runs.

A skilled craft

Embossing is a time-honoured craft that takes experience and expertise to perfect. To get it right, you need an understanding of how paper responds to pressure and a strong, crisp design that makes the most of this technique.

As you would expect, embossed labels are slightly more expensive due to the skilled work, bespoke die casts and weightier paper stock involved. For this reason, embossing is associated with luxury and quality.

Premier Labels embossed labels metallic labels Sun Bear Spirits example
Sucess Story

Kromanti Rum We helped produce a stand out label with a luxurious finish for a premium brand

We helped the team at Kromanti Rum bring their bottle to life through using textured matte paper that was printed black and embossed, resulting in a metallic labels finish.

Kromanti Rum Case Study
Premier Labels embossed labels metallic labels Kromanti rum example
Premier Labels embossed labels metallic labels Altrincham gin

Premier Labels can help you find the perfect design

What could embossing bring to your brand? Premier Labels can help you develop a design
that consumers will want to reach out and touch.


How are embossed labels made?

Embossed labels are crafted using a detailed process that involves creating die casts, which are used to raise specific parts of the label design above the surface, adding depth and texture. The dies can be made from materials like magnesium, copper, or brass, depending on the complexity and run length of the embossing.

What materials can be used for embossing dies?

The dies for embossing can be crafted from magnesium, copper, or brass. The choice of material depends on the intricacy of the design and the length of the production run.

Which industries benefit from embossed labels?

Embossed labels are widely used in industries such as food and drink, wine and spirits, health and beauty, pharmaceuticals, and general industrial sectors to enhance brand visibility and product appeal.

Is embossing and engraving the same?

No, embossing and engraving are not the same. Embossing involves creating a raised design on the label surface by pressing a die into the material. Engraving, on the other hand, involves cutting or carving a design into the surface, which creates a recessed effect.

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