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How To Create A Unique Wine Branding Strategy

The world is certainly not short of wine brands, but that shouldn’t put you off launching your own product if you’ve got the passion, dedication and resources to do so. You just need to make sure your wine is branded in a way that’s unique and different from your competitors – and in a way that inspires consumers to pick your bottle from the shelf.

As a company with plenty of experience in the field, here are some of our top tips for creating a winning wine branding strategy.


Define your audience

‘Wine drinkers’ is too vague an audience! The better you can pin down the type of wine drinker you want to appeal to, the more informed and targeted your branding and marketing strategies will be, and the better the chance of success in the long run. 

For instance, do you want your wine to appeal to older generations or a younger market? Is your tipple for the connoisseurs, wine newbies or the occasional wine drinker? Is your target audience driven more by price or quality? 

Identify exactly who your target consumer is – research their buying habits, consider their needs and how your product will strive to fulfil them. At this stage, it doesn’t hurt to see what your competitors are doing, either.

Tell your story

People love a good story. Crafting a compelling tale behind your wine will act as a key differentiator and help consumers assimilate with your brand. 

Now, obviously, we can’t tell you what your story should be, as it’ll be completely unique to your company. But it should focus on how your company came into being, and how this narrative and values drive your mission today. A HubSpot blog shares some useful tips for crafting a brand story, focusing on three essential elements:

  • Status quo. The way things are/initial nature of the situation (i.e. wine industry).
  • Conflict. Disrupts the status quo and puts something at stake, encouraging your brand to find a solution to the problem.
  • Resolution. Describes how your brand solves the problem (i.e. brings something different to the table), giving consumers an emotional payoff. 

Tell your story in a ‘human’ way, make sure it’s factual, and spread it across all channels so that your brand stays in the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Wine branding strategy

Shout about your USP's across all platforms

Now think about what makes your brand unique. Is it the heritage, your location, the ingredients, your process? This too will help your brand stand out, especially if it’s paired with a great story. Whatever your USPs are, make sure they are communicated across all channels – your blog, website, marketing materials, and potentially mentioned on your labels if you’ve the space. Which brings us on to the next point...

Don't underestimate the power of a label

Last but by no means least is your wine label. Humans are visual creatures – meaning, what’s outside of the bottle is just as important as what’s inside of it when it comes to attracting consumers yet to taste your tipple.

Just think of the average drinks aisle at your local supermarket. It’s full with hundreds of different wine bottles, so you need to make sure that yours stands out. Because it’s so important, you may want to leave wine labelling to the experts. 

Premier Labels is a leading supplier to wine brands. We fully understand the time and dedication required to create a great tasting wine, so we want to help make sure your product gets the attention it deserves when it hits the shelves.

Whatever type of wine you produce, whoever your target audience is, and whatever your USPs and story are, we’ll design a printing solution that matches your unique requirements. We promise an exceptional end product backed with a high level of customer service, from concept and design all the way through to print and completion. Find out more or get in touch today.

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